Everyone involved in cultural heritage research, management, or conservation is both a provider and a user of heritage information
The recording of information is the responsibility of everyone involved in the conservation process. Depending on the type of heritage place and on specifi c needs arising from its makeup and condition, the production of new information will involve a multidisciplinary team of experts. As a consequence, the process of recording, documenting, and managing information must be designed in a way to accommodate a huge variety of data in terms of both content and format.
It is an open and dynamic process in which there is no clear distinction between information providers and information users. Everybody is taking information out in order to acquire “pre-knowledge” before starting any direct activity on the heritage, and everybody is putting new information in when the results of the proper work become available. Heritage managers may be considered prime users due to their permanent contact with a given region or site and their daily involvement in project planning, control, monitoring, and evaluation. (…)
Letellier, Robin.Los Angeles : Getty Conservation Institute, c 2007.